Autor: Teresa
Sound Cloud
Logo design for a meeting mobile app
Link Post
Beagle boat
Naming, logo and clothing design for this project based on taking care about the animals trough wearing elegant clothes. We care, we wear, we protect.
Image Post
Utinam ocurreret an his, ea vim dicam moderatius consequuntur, cu bonorum minimum prodesset duo. An has cetero adipisci moderatius, amet quodsi iracundia ne quo, oblique moderatius constituam sed id. Mutat abhorreant intellegam quo ei, nec at duis qualisque tincidunt. Tritani repudiare no sea. Ad vim causae maiestatis liberavisse, sit nibh assum alterum ne, probo aeque…
Audio Post
Nuestra Señora de Begoña bakery
New modern logo for a tradictional bakery for changing his look and feel.
Hello world!
BICOVIGES dashboard
Cooperative Client Dashboard to manage their sales and status
EO center
Complete branding design for an holystic center. The different services should be shown using the variations of the principal character.